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  1. Diolatzis G., Pavlogeorgatos G., (2019). A Digital (3D) Reconstruction of a Lost Planetarium: A Finishing Touch to the Antikythera Mechanism. International Journal of Computational Methods in Heritage Science (IJCMHS), 3(2), 91-117.
  2. Diolatzis G., Pavlogeorgatos G., (2019). Simulating Kepler’s Geocentric Mars Orbit. New Astronomy, 71, p. 39-51.
  3. Diolatzis G., Pavlogeorgatos G., (2019). Antikythera mechanism – A compound epicyclic gearing for Venus. Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 12, e00089, p. 1-12.
  4. Diolatzis G., Pavlogeorgatos G., (2019). The influence of Hipparchus in Antikythera mechanism, New Astronomy, 67, p. 29-39.
  5. Stefanakou A.A., Nikitakos N., Lilas T., Pavlogeorgatos G., (2019). A GIS-based decision support model for offshore floating wind turbine installation. International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 38(7), p. 673-691.


  1. Diolatzis G., Pavlogeorgatos G., (2018). Deepening to Antikythera mechanism via its interactivity. Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, (In Press).
  2. Tzoraki O., Monioudi I., Velegrakis A., Moutafis N., Pavlogeorgatos G., Kitsiou D., (2018). Resilience of touristic island beaches under sea level rise: A methodological framework. Coastal management, 46:2, pp. 78-102.


  • Mousas C., Anagnostopoulos C.N, 2017. Real-time performance-driven finger motion synthesis Computers & Graphics, Elsevier, 65, pp. 1-11.
  • Mousas C., Anagnostopoulos C.N., 2017. Performance-Driven Hybrid Full-Body Character Control for Navigation and Interaction in Virtual Environments, 3D Research, Springer, 8(2), 18, DOI: 10.1007/s13319-017-0124-0.
  • Stamatopoulos M.I, Anagnostopoulos C.N., 2017. Solving the problem of reassembling fractured archaeological pottery with the Thickness Profile method, Measurement, 1(1), Elsevier.
  • Stamatopoulos M.I., Anagnostopoulos C.N., 2017. A totally new digital 3D approach for reassembling fractured archaeological potteries using thickness measurements, ACTA IMEKO.


  • Anagnostopoulos C.N., 2016. Vehicular Networking: Review, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 8(1), pp. 77-78.
  • Malatesta S., Asteriadis G., Caridakis M., Vassalou and Karpouzis K., 2016. Associating gesture expressivity with affective representation. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Journal, Special Issue on Mining the Humanities: Technologies and Application, (accepted).
  • Papakonstantinou A., Topouzelis K., Pavlogeorgatos G., 2016. Coastline Zones Identification and 3D Coastal Mapping Using UAV Spatial Data, International Journal of Geo-Information, 5(6), 75, p. 1-14.
  • Tamvakis G.E., Tsekouras A., Rigos C., Kalloniatis Ch., Anagnostopoulos C.N., Anastassopoulos G., 2016. A methodology to carry out voting classification tasks using a particle swarm optimization-based neuro-fuzzy competitive learning network, Evolving Systems, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, doi:10.1007/s12530-016-9160-x.


  • Anagnostopoulos C.N., 2015. Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles: Review, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 7(2), pp. 106-108.
  • Anagnostopoulos G., Razis P., Mylonas P., Anagnostopoulos C.N., 2015. Semantic query suggestion using Twitter Entities, Neurocomputing, 163, pp. 137-150.
  • Iliou T., Anagnostopoulos C.N., Stephanakis I., Anastassopoulos G., 2015. A novel data preprocessing method for boosting neural network performance: A case study in osteoporosis prediction, Information Sciences, Elsevier, doi:10.1016/j.ins.2015.10.026.
  • Korres G., Pavlogeorgatos G., Kokkinou A., 2015. Spatial planning & economic development of the islands: A benchmarking study for Lesvos, Rhodes & Crete, Journal of Regional & Socio-Economic Issues (JRSEI), 5(3), p. 91-111.
  • Korres G., Pavlogeorgatos G., Kokkinou A., 2015. Spatial planning and regional growth: A Benchmarking study for North- South Aegean & Crete, Journal of Regional & Socio-Economic Issues (JRSEI), 5(2), p. 19-38
  • Pavlogeorgatos G., Stefanakou A., Lilas T., Nikitakos N., 2015. Impact assessment of offshore wind farm installations: a review, International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography, 9, p. 183-201.
  • Siolas G., Caridakis G., Mylonas P., Stratogiannis G., Kollias S., and Stafylopatis A.G., 2015. Context-Aware User Modeling and Semantic Interoperability in Smart Home Environments, International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking, Special Issue on Social Media and Networks for Multimedia Content, (in press).


  • Anagnostopoulos C.N., 2014. License Plate Recognition: A brief tutorial, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 6(1), pp. 59-67.
  • Anagnostopoulos C.N., 2014. Advances for In-Vehicle and Mobile Systems: Review, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 6(4), pp. 78-79.
  • Anagnostopoulos C.N., 2014. Intelligent Freeway Transportation Systems: Review, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 6(2), pp. 74-75.
  • Balla A., Pavlogeorgatos G., Tsiafakis D., Pavlidis G., 2014. Recent advances in archaeological predictive modelling for archeological research and cultural heritage management, Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 14(4), p. 143-153.
  • Balla A., Pavlogeorgatos G., Tsiafakis D., Pavlidis G., 2014. Modelling Archaeological and Geospatial Information for Burial Site Prediction, Identification and Management, International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era, 2(4), p. 585-610.
  • Balla A., Pavlogeorgatos G., Tsiafakis D., Pavlidis G., 2014. Efficient predictive modelling for archaeological research, Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 14(1), p. 119-129.
  • Caridakis G., Asteriadis S., and Karpouzis K., 2014. Non-manual cues in automatic sign language recognition, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Special issue on Assistive Environments for the Disabled and the Senior Citizens, 18(1), pp. 37– 46.
  • Iliou T., Anagnostopoulos C.N., Anastassopoulos G., 2014. Osteoporosis detection using machine learning techniques and feature selection, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools, 23(5).


  • Anagnostopoulos C.N, 2013. Geographical and Urban Transport Systems: Review, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 5(2), pp. 74-75.
  • Anagnostopoulos C.N., 2013. Autonomous Intelligent Vehicles – Theory, Algorithms, and Implementation: Review, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 5(3), pp. 74-76.
  • Balla A., Pavlogeorgatos G., Tsiafakis D., Pavlidis G., 2013. Locating Macedonian tombs using predictive modelling. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 14:5, pp. 403-410.
  • Balla A., Pavlogeorgatos G., Tsiafakis D., Pavlidis G., 2013. Efficient predictive modelling for archaeological research. International Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, (in press).
  • Caridakis G., Wagner J., Raouzaiou A., Lingenfelser F., Karpouzis K., and Andre E., 2013.
    A cross-cultural, multimodal, affective corpus for gesture expressivity analysis, Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, Special Issue on Multimodal Corpora, 7(1-2), pp.121–134.
  • Kameas A.,  Gavalas D., Goumopoulos C., Nicopolitidis P., Giaglis G., April-June 2013. Distance Learning: A Postgraduate PerCom Program, IEEE Pervasive Computing, 12(2): 83-85.
  • Karpouzis K., Caridakis G., Cowie R. and Douglas-Cowie E., 2013. Induction, recording and recognition of natural emotions from facial expressions and speech prosody, Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, Special Issue on Pervasive Assistance, 7(3), pp.195–206.
  • Mousas C., Anagnostopoulos C.N., Newbury P., 2013. The minimum energy expenditure shortest path method, Ne Journal of Graphics Tools, Taylor and Francis, 17(1-2), pp. 31-44.
  • Mousas C., Anagnostopoulos C.N., Newbury P., 2013. Splicing of Concurrent Upper-Body Motion Spaces with Locomotion, Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, 25, pp. 348-359.
  • Tsekouras G.E., Gavalas D., August 2013. An Effective Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm for Web Document Classification: A Case Study in Cultural Content Mining, accepted from the International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE), World Scientific, 23(6).


  • Gavalas D., Konstantopoulos C., Mastakas K., Pantziou G., 2012. Mobile Recommender Systems in Tourism, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier Science.
  • Balla A., Pavlogeorgatos G., Tsiafakis D., Pavlidis G., 2012. Locating Macedonian tombs using predictive modelling, Journal of Cultural Heritage, (in press).
  • Gavalas D., Kenteris M., Konstantopoulos C., Pantziou G., 2012. A Web Application for Recommending Personalized Mobile Tourist Routes, IET Software (SCI-indexed), 6(4): 313-322.
  • Konstantopoulos C., Pantziou G., Gavalas D., Mpitziopoulos A., Mamalis B., 2012. A Rendezvous-Based Approach Enabling Energy-Efficient Sensory Data Collection with Mobile Sinks, IEEE Transactions in Parallel & Distributed Systems (SCI-indexed), 23(5): 809-817.
  • Gavalas D., Kenteris M., 2012. Evaluation of a Web Recommender System in Electronic and Mobile Tourism, International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology (IJWET), InderScience, 7(1): 4-21.


  • Gavalas D. and Kenteris M., 2011. A Pervasive Web-Based Recommendation System for Mobile Tourist Guides, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Springer Science, 15(7): 759-770.
  • Kenteris M., Gavalas D., Economou D., 2011. Mytilene E-guide: A Multiplatform Mobile Application Tourist Guide Exemplar, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer Science, 54(2): 241-262.
  • Vlachogiannis E., Gavalas D., Anagnostopoulos C., Tsekouras G., 2011. Accessible Interactive Television Using the MPEG-21 Standard, International Journal of Universal Access in the Information Society (UAIS), Springer Science, Special Issue on “Pervasive Technologies and Assistive Environments: Social Impact, Financial, Government And Privacy Issues”, 10(2): 151-163.
  • Kenteris M., Gavalas D., Economou D., 2011. Electronic Mobile Guides: A Survey, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Springer Science, 15(1): 97-111.
  • Gavalas D. and Economou D., 2011, Development Platforms for Mobile Applications: Status and Trends, IEEE Software, 28(1): pp. 77-86.
  • Mpitziopoulos A., Konstantopoulos C., Gavalas D. , Pantziou G., 2011. A Pervasive Assistive Environment for Visually Impaired People Using Wireless Sensor Network Infrastructure, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier Science, 34(1): 194-206.


  • Konstantopoulos C., Mpitziopoulos A., Gavalas D., Pantziou G., 2010. Effective Determination of Mobile Agent Itineraries for Data Fusion Tasks on Sensor Networks, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE, 22(12): 1679-1693.
  • Mpitziopoulos A., Gavalas D., Konstantopoulos C., Pantziou G., 2010. CBID: A Scalable Method for Distributed Data Aggregation in WSNs, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Hindawi Publishing Corporation.
  • Anagnostopoulos I., Anagnostopoulos C.N., Vlachogiannis E., Gavalas D., Tsekouras G., 2010. Adaptive and Personalized Multimedia Content Delivery for Disabled Users in Internet TV, Signal, Image and Video Processing, Springer Science, 4(3): 273-287.
  • Gavalas D., Mpitziopoulos A., Pantziou G., Konstantopoulos C., 2010. An Approach for Near-Optimal Distributed Data Fusion in Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Networks, Springer Science, 16(5): 1407-1425.


  • Mpitziopoulos A., Gavalas D., Pantziou G., Konstantopoulos C., 2009. A Survey on Jamming Attacks and Countermeasures in WSNs, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 11(4): 42-56.
  • Zafeiri K. and Gavalas D., 2009. Museum Shops: Experiences Gained from Developing Electronic and Mobile Commerce Solutions, International Scientific Electronic Journal of Museology, ISSN: 1109-9448, 5: 63-82.
  • Konstantopoulos C., Mamalis B., Pantziou G., Gavalas D., 2009. Efficient Parallel Text Retrieval techniques on Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP)/Coarse Grained Multicomputers (CGM), Journal of Supercomputing, Springer Science, 48(3): 286-318.
  • Mpitziopoulos A., Gavalas D., Konstantopoulos C., Pantziou G., 2009. JAID: An Algorithm for Data Fusion and Jamming Avoidance on Distributed Sensor Networks, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Elsevier Science, Special Issue on “Homeland and Global Security”, 5(2): 135-147.
  • Mpitziopoulos A. and Gavalas D., 2009. An Effective Defensive Node against Jamming Attacks in Sensor Networks, Security and Communication Networks, Wiley InterScience, Special Issue on “Security in Wireless Sensor Networks”, 2(2): 145 – 163.
  • Kenteris M., Gavalas D., Economou D., 2009. An Innovative Mobile Electronic Tourist Guide Application, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (ISSN: 1617-4909), Springer Science, 13(2): 103-118.
  • Gavalas D., Tsekouras G.E., Anagnostopoulos C., 2009. A Mobile Agent Platform for Distributed Network and Systems Management, Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier Science, 82(2): 355-371.
  • Giannoukos I., Anagnostopoulos C., Loumos V., Kayafas E., 2009. Fast Context Scanning to support High Segmentation Rates for Real Time License Plate Recognition, accepted in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.


  • Gavalas D., Pantziou G., Konstantopoulos C., Mamalis B., 2008. ABP: A Low-Cost, Energy-Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Relatively Static and Quasi-Static MANETs, International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet), InderScience Publishers, 4(4): 260-269.
  • Economou D., Gavalas D., Kenteris M., Tsekouras G.E., 2008. Cultural Applications for Mobile Devices: Issues and Requirements for Authoring Tools and Development Platforms, ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing & Communications Review, 12(3): 18-33.
  • Konstantopoulos C., Gavalas D., Pantziou G., 2008. Clustering in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks through Neighborhood Stability-Based Mobility Prediction, Computer Networks, Elsevier Science, 52(9): 1797-1824.
  • Anagnostopoulos C.N., Anagnostopoulos I., Psoroulas I., Loumos V., Kayafas E., 2008. License plate recognition from still images and video sequences: A survey, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 9(3):377-391.
  • Tsekouras G. E., Mamalis A., Anagnostopoulos C., Gavalas D., Economou D., 2008. Improved Batch Fuzzy Learning Vector Quantization for Image Compression, Information Sciences, special issue on Industrial Applications of Neural Networks, Elsevier, 178(20):3895-3907.
  • Anagnostopoulos C., Vlachogiannis E., Psoroulas I., Gavalas D., Tsekouras G., Konstantas G., 2008. Intelligent content personalization in Internet TV using MPEG-21, International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology (IJIPT), Special Issue on Intelligent Internet-based Systems: Emerging Technologies and Programming Techniques, 3(3):159-169.


  • Gavalas D., Pantziou G., Konstantopoulos C., Mamalis B., 2007. LIDAR: A Protocol for Stable and Energy-Efficient Clustering of Ad-Hoc Multihop Networks, Telecommunication Systems, Springer Science, Special Issue on “Personal Wireless Communications”, 36 (1-3): 13-25.
  • Mpitziopoulos A. and Gavalas D., 2007. Countermeasures Against Radio Jamming Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal of Computer Research (ISSN: 1535-6698), Nova Science Publishers, Special Issue on “Advances in Ad Hoc Network Security”, 15(1).
  • Gavalas D. and Economou D., 2007. The Technology Landscape of Wireless Web, International Journal of Mobile Communications (ISSN: 1470-949X), Inderscience Publishers, 5(5): 508-527.
  • Economou D., Gavalas D., Kenteris M., Micha K., 2007. Multimedia Applications for Handheld Devices: Analysis of Requirements for Development Platforms and Application Authoring Tools, Journal of Mobile Multimedia (ISSN: 1550-4646), Rinton Press, 3(1): 65-87.


  • Gavalas D. and Politi C., 2006. Low-Cost Itineraries for Multi-Hop Agents Designed for Scalable Monitoring of Multiple Subnets, Computer Networks, Elsevier Science, 50(16): 2937-2952.
  • Politi C., Matrakidis C., Stavdas A., Gavalas D., O’Mahony M., 2006. Single Layer Multigranular OXCs Architecture with Conversion Capability and Enhanced Flexibility, Journal of Optical Networking, Optical Society of America (OSA), 5(12): 1002-1012.
  • Zafeiri K., Gavalas D., Balla A., 2006. Selling Culture: Implementation of e-Commerce and WAP-based Prototypes, International Review on Computers and Software, Praise Worthy Prize, 1(1): 68-76.
  • Gavalas D., 2006. A Heuristic Algorithm for Designing Near-Optimal Mobile Agent Itineraries, Journal of Communications and Networks, IEEE/KICS, 8(1): 123-131.
  • Anagnostopoulos C., Anagnostopoulos I., Kayafas E., Loumos V., 2006. A license plate recognition algorithm for Intelligent Transportation System applications, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 7(3):377-392.
  • Anagnostopoulos Ι., Anagnostopoulos C., Vergados D., Rouskas A., Kormentzas G., 2006. The Wisconsin Breast Cancer Problem: Diagnosis and TTR/DFS time prognosis using probabilistic and generalised regression information classifiers, Oncology Reports, Special Issue Computational Analysis and Decision Support Systems in Oncology, 15: 975-98.
  • Pavlogeorgatos G., Thomaidis N., Nikolaou N., Lekkas T., 2006. Determination of Methyl mercury in a pilot-scale activated sludge wastewater treatment plant. Global Nest: The International Journal, 8(1): 67-73.
  • Παυλογεωργάτος Γ., Κίσσα Α., Μπάλλα Α., Μαμωλή Μ., Παναγάκος Π., 2006. Χρήση των σύγχρονων τεχνολογιών στα μουσεία. Η περίπτωση 105 Ελληνικών Μουσείων και Συλλογών. Museology, International Scientific Journal, 3: 21-29.


  • Gavalas D., 2005. An Experimental Approach for Optimising Mobile Agent Migrations, Mediterranean Journal of Computers and Networks, SoftMotor Ltd., 1(1): 47-56.
  • Anagnostopoulos C., Anagnostopoulos I., Vergados D., Kayafas E., Loumos V., 2004. Sliding Windows: A software method for real-time inspection in textile surface, Textile Research Journal 74 (7): 646-651.
  • Anagnostopoulos Ι., Anagnostopoulos C., Loumos V., Kayafas E., 2004. Classifying Web Pages employing a Probabilistic Neural Network, IEE Proceedings – Software, 151(3): 139-150.
  • Anagnostopoulos Ι., Anagnostopoulos C., Kouzas G., Vergados D., 2004. A Generalised Regression algorithm for web page categorisation, Neural Computing & Applications journal, Springer-Verlag, 13(3):229 – 236.
  • Lekkas T.D., Kostopoulou M., Kolokythas G., Thomaidis N., Golfinopoulos S., Kotrikla A., Pavlogeorgatos G., Stasinakis A., Nikolaou A., Gatidou G., Petsas A., Vagi M., Babos D., Lekkas D., Makri C.A., 2004. Optimization οf Analytical Methods for the determination of trace concentrations of toxic pollutants in drinking and surface waters. Global Nest: The International Journal, 5(3):133-143.


  • Anagnostopoulos Ι., Kouzas G., Anagnostopoulos C., Kotsilieris T., Kalogeropoulos S., Loumos V., Kayafas E., 2003. Classification of e-commerce web-pages using statistical descriptor vectors, Rivista di Statistica Applicata, special issue on new methodologies and applications in the E-Commerce field, 1: 91-107.
  • Anagnostopoulos I., Anagnostopoulos C., Vergados D., Loumos V., Kayafas E., 2003. Evaluating algorithms for control and surviveability mechanisms in SONET, International Journal of Computer Research, 12(2):189-203.
  • Pavlogeorgatos G., 2003. Effect of mercury contaminated wastewater on activated sludge suspended solids size distribution. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 85(4-6): 159-167.
  • Pavlogeorgatos G., 2003. Environmental parameters of the museums, Building and Environment 38(12): 1457-1462.
  • Lekkas Th., Kostopoulou M., Petsas A., Vagi M., Golfinopoulos S., Stasinakis A., Thomaidis N., Pavlogeorgatos G., Kotrikla A., Gatidou G., Xylourgidis N., Kolokythas G., Makri C., Babos D., Lekkas D., Nikolaou A., 2003. Monitoring priority substances of directives 76/464/EEC and 2000/60/EC in Greek water bodies. J. Environ. Monit., 5 (4): 593 – 597.
  • Pavlogeorgatos G., Kikilias V., 2003. The importance of mercury determination and speciation to the health of the general population. Global Network of Environmental Science and Technology – (GNEST) The International Journal 4 (2-3): 107-125.


  • Gavalas D., Greenwood D., Ghanbari M., M. O’Mahony, 2002. Hierarchical Network Management: A Scalable and Dynamic Mobile Agent-Based Approach, Computer Networks, Elsevier Science, 38(6): 693-711.
  • Anagnostopoulos C., Anagnostopoulos I., Kayafas E., Loumos V., 2002. Image Processing and Database Architecture for Intelligent Transportation Systems, Intelligent Sensing, Image Processing and Applications, Special Issue of the “Image Processing &Communications” Journal, Institute of Telecommunications, Bydgoszcz, 8(2): 93-103.
  • Anagnostopoulos C., Anagnostopoulos I., Vergados D., Kouzas G., Kayafas E., Loumos V., Stassinopoulos G., 2002. High Performance Computing Algorithms for Textile Quality Control, Intelligent Forecasting, Fault Diagnosis, Scheduling and Control, Special Issue of the IMACS “Mathematics and Computers in Simulation” Journal, Elsevier, 60 (202):389-400. 2001Anagnostopoulos C., Vergados D., Kayafas E., Loumos V. and Stassinopoulos G (2001), A Computer Vision Approach for Textile Quality Control, Journal of Visualisation and Computer Animation, John Wiley & Sons, vol.12: 31-44.


  • Gavalas D., Greenwood D., Ghanbari M., O’Mahony M., 2001. Mobile Software Agents for Decentralised Network & Systems Management, Microprocessors and Microsystems, Elsevier Science, 25(2): 101-109.


  • Gavalas D., Greenwood D., Ghanbari M., O’Mahony M., 2000. Advanced Network Monitoring Applications Based on Mobile/Intelligent Agent Technology, Computer Communications, Elsevier Science, 23(8): 720-730.
  • Anagnostopoulos C., Kayafas E., Loumos V., 2000, Digital image processing and neural networks for vehicle license plate identification, Journal of Electrical Engineering, 1(2): 2-7.
  • Anagnostopoulos C., Anagnostopoulos J., Kayafas E., Loumos V., Dolia A.N., 2000. An Artificial Neural Network System for Monitoring Thermal Turbomachines, Sbornik Aviaciyno-kosmichna tehnika i tehnologiya, (Aerospace Engineering and Technology), 20: 65-70.


  • Theodoropoulos G., Georgousi K., Kapel C., Petrakos G., Anagnostopoulos C., 1999. Establishment and growth of trichinella muscle larvae in iron supplemented mice, ACTA Veterinaria Scandinavica, 40(2): 181-183.
  • Theodoropoulos G., Kayafas E., Loumos V., Anagnostopoulos C., 1999. A digital image analysis and neural network based system for identification of third stage parasitic strongyle larva from domestic animals, Computer Methods and Programs in BioMedicine, Elsevier: 69-81.
  • Pavlogeorgatos G., Lekkas Th., Georgiou V., Spachos G., Stefanoulis C., Tridimas P., 1999. Examination of mercury’s effects during the process of the activated sludge, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 69: 171-181.
  • Pavlogeorgatos G., Karantanelli M., Lekkas D., 1999. Determination of cadmium in the surface waters of northern Greece. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 69: 165-169.


  • Pavlogeorgatos G., Lekkas Th., Kambas G., 1997. Variation in heavy metals removal by a conventional MWWT plant. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 59: 23-30.