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8th Beyond Humanism Conference
23 Φεβρουαρίου 2016
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The new reader presents an up-to-date collection of seminal texts dedicated to all branches of debates on Posthuman Studies: Transhumanism, Critical Posthumanism and Meta- humanism. It includes classical as well as cutting-edge contri- butions to these debates. The Posthuman Studies Reader is an indispensable resource for studying as well as teaching key concepts, central claims and main arguments of contemporary debates in the field of Posthuman Studies.

The reader includes texts by: Neil Badmington, Karen Barad, Nick Bostrom, Rosi Braidotti, Claire Colebrook, Jaime del Val, FM-2030, Francis Fukuyama, Elaine Graham, Donna Haraway, Ihab Habib Hassan, N. Katherine Hayles, James Hughes, Julian Huxley, Brian Massumi, Max More, David Pearce, Anders Sandberg, Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Stelarc, Natasha Vita-More and Cary Wolfe.

“The Reader can be used not only as a textbook in higher education, but also by all researchers and students in these fields as reference. […] I highly recommend it to everyone who is interested in these movements and those works from which excerpts are included in it.”

Yunus Tuncel, The New School, New York



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