Welcome to the website of the “Cultural Heritage Management Laboratory” (CHMLab) of the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication (DCTC), School of Social Sciences, University of the Aegean.
Identity of the CHMLab
Founded in 2001, the CHMLab meets the research and educational needs of the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication at the University of the Aegean, on the interdisciplinary field of Cultural Heritage Management, referring to the documentation, preservation and representation of the material, immaterial, and digital data that comprise Cultural Heritage, through the use of modern technologies. The CHMLab is aiming at the integrated and wise management of the natural and built environment, focusing on its cultural and historical dimension, through contemporary scientific methods of on-site research and the use of state of the art technological tools.
Research objectives of the CHMLab
Since its inception, the Lab has participated in the realisation of various European International and National research programmes, in collaboration with other academic institutions, public services, the private sector, and local institutions in the following fields:
Digital Documentation and Representation of Content
- Digitalisation, digital photographing and recording of the cultural content of historical sites, monuments, museums, and cultural institutions.
- Cultural research, documentation and interpretation of manmade works, monuments, historical landscapes and the sum total of cultural heritages.
- Dynamic representation of content and methods of representation using multimedia and Internet applications.
Environmental Conditions Control aimed at Preserving the Material Cultural Heritage
- Control of environmental conditions (relative humidity, temperature, determining light intensity, air pollution control, etc) in museums and cultural institutions with the purpose of maintain the appropriate environmental conditions for the preservation of collections, artefacts and archives contained therein.
- Air pollution control in monuments, historical buildings and sites.
Geographical Information System (G.I.S.) Applications
- Recording, mapping and representing monuments, settlements, archaeological sites, landscapes and historical areas for cultural planning and tourism
- Creation of cultural thematic maps.
- Creation of cultural networks and cultural / alternative tourism itineraries.
Research collaborations
Since 2001, the Lab has officially collaborated and continues to collaborate with the following Universities and research centres:
- Universitat Rovira I Virgili
- Institut Europeen des itineraires culturels (Luxemburg)
- University of Cyprus
- Istanbul Bilgi University
- Ismir Economic University
- Universite Nice-Sophia Antipolis
- Politecnico di Torino
- Universita Djillali Liabes de Sidi-bel-Abbes
- Helwan University
- Cairo University
- Jordan University of Science and technology
- Yarmouk University
- Ecole National Superieure d’Informatique et d’Analyse des Systemes
- Universite Cadi Ayyad (Marrakech)
- University of Aleppo
- University of Crete
University of the Aegean, Dep. of: 1) Geography, 2) Environment, 3) Marine Sciences, 4) Business Administration, 5) Shipping, Trade and Transport, 6) Statistics and actuarial-financial mathematics
- Damascus University
- Ege University
- Insitut National Polytechnique de Grenoble
- Foundation Sophia Antipolis
- Istituto per il Mediterraneo
- Consorzio per la Formazione Internazionale
- Egyptian Association Incubator
- Ministere de l’Emploi de la Formation Professionnelle, du Developpement Social et de la Solidarite
- Ministere de la Formation Professionnelle et de l’Emploi
- Secretariat d’Etat a l’Informatique
- Ministere de la Education Tunisienne
- Management and Technology Consulting Group
- Institut Superior de Gestion et de la planification, EUTELSAT
- Cyprus University of Technology etc.
The current research activities of CHMLab are:
- Internet and multimedia applications for the management and promotion of tangible, intangible and digital cultural heritage.
- Applications of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for the recording, documentation and promotion of the cultural reserve of Greece.
- The control of environmental conditions (lighting, relative humidity, temperature, noise levels) in museums and other cultural organizations.
- The control of air pollution on monuments, archaeological sites and collections
- Cultural planning
- Cultural tourism
CHMLab staff
Academic staff |
Vernicos Nicolas – Emeritus Professor e-mail: vernicos[at]ct.aegean.gr |
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Dascalopoulos Sophia – Emeritus professor e-mail: s.dascalopoulos[at]aegean.gr |
Pavlogeorgatos Gerasimos – Professor – Director of the CHMLab Office and lab tel.: +30 22510 36613 & 36635 e-mail: gpav[at]aegean.gr |
Sampanikou Evangelia – Professor Office tel.: +30 22510 36618 e-mail: esampa[at]ct.aegean.gr |
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Office tel.: +30 22510 36626 e-mail: dcatapoti[at]aegean.gr |
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Tourism planning and destination management |
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Kritikos Panagiotis (PhD)
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PhD thesis (finished)
- Diolatzis Ioannis, 2020. Implementation of the theory of epicycles in Antikythera mechanism: study of the planetary motion on the mechanism’s front part, its digital reconstruction included. Supervisor: Pavlogeorgatos Gerasimos
- Balla Katerina, 2012. Macedonian tombs: geospatial approach using contemporary methods. Supervisor: Pavlogeorgatos Gerasimos.
- Gkinni Zoi, 2012. Preservation and preventive conservation policies for library and archival materials. Supervisor: Pavlogeorgatos Gerasimos.
- Μavroidi Maria, 2010. The Greek machine-making sector in 1920-1950 and the documentation of historic machinery. Supervisor: Pavlogeorgatos Gerasimos.
- Papadopoulos Dimitris, 2010. Shaping a lake: landscape experience and mediation in Prespa Park, Greece. Supervisor: Vernicos Nicholas.
- Axiotis Makis, 2008. Watermills of Lesvos. Supervisor: Vernicos Nicholas.
Scientific Research Projects
The CHMLab implements research programs related to the subject areas of its field of interest. In this way, it contributes to the recording, analysis, and highlighting of aspects and practices of Greek, European and world culture through the quality production and management of cultural services and products. The specific orientation and objectives of the CHMLab are connected to the modern European and international standards for the upgrading and constitution of a new systematic framework for the products of Culture, Digital Culture and Intercultural Communication.
The CHMLab cooperates with other academic institutions, public services, the private sector and local institutions to implement Greek, European and International Research Programs.
Recent projects
- Cross-Border Cooperation for implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning – THAL-CHOR 2. Funded: Strategic project of the 2014-2020 Cross-border Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A Greece – Cyprus. Total budget: 2.757.000,00€
- Promotion and dissemination of cultural and natural heritage through the development and institutional strengthening of Religious Tourism in the island region of Greece and Cyprus – RE-CULT. Funded: 2014 – 2020 INTERREG V-A Greece – Cyprus. Total budget: 1.918.370€
- Cross-border Cooperation for Maritime Spatial Planning Development – THAL-CHOR. Funded: Strategic project of the 2007-2013 Cross-border Cooperation Programme “Greece–Cyprus 2007–2013”. Total budget: 3.500.000€
Cultural Heritage: Bridging the gap between studies and profession. Funder: Operational Program “Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014-2020”. Budget: 40.600€ .
Illustration 1821. Funder: ELIDEK Budget: 99.999€.
Pavlogeorgatos G., 2012. Wood. Species, uses, structure, properties, threats and protection. Series: The materials of the cultural heritage. Athens: Propobos editions.
Pavlogeorgatos G. (2008). Preservation of Material Cultural Heritage, 3rd edition. Athens: V. Giurdas, ISBN 978-960-387-627-4, p. 387.
Papers in international scientific journals
- Diolatzis G., Pavlogeorgatos G., (2019). A Digital (3D) Reconstruction of a Lost Planetarium: A Finishing Touch to the Antikythera Mechanism. International Journal of Computational Methods in Heritage Science (IJCMHS), 3(2), 91-117.
- Diolatzis G., Pavlogeorgatos G., (2019). Simulating Kepler’s Geocentric Mars Orbit. New Astronomy, 71, p. 39-51.
- Diolatzis G., Pavlogeorgatos G., (2019). Antikythera mechanism – A compound epicyclic gearing for Venus. Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 12, e00089, p. 1-12.
- Diolatzis G., Pavlogeorgatos G., (2019). The influence of Hipparchus in Antikythera mechanism, New Astronomy, 67, p. 29-39.
- Stefanakou A.A., Nikitakos N., Lilas T., Pavlogeorgatos G., (2019). A GIS-based decision support model for offshore floating wind turbine installation. International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 38(7), p. 673-691.
- Diolatzis G., Pavlogeorgatos G., (2018). Deepening to Antikythera mechanism via its interactivity. Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, (In Press).
- Tzoraki O., Monioudi I., Velegrakis A., Moutafis N., Pavlogeorgatos G., Kitsiou D., (2018). Resilience of touristic island beaches under sea level rise: A methodological framework. Coastal management, 46:2, pp. 78-102.
- Papakonstantinou A., Topouzelis K., Pavlogeorgatos, (2016). Coastline Zones Identification and 3D Coastal Mapping Using UAV Spatial Data. International Journal of Geo-Information, 5(6), 75, p. 1-14.
- Korres G., Pavlogeorgatos G., Kokkinou A., (2015). Spatial planning & economic development of the islands: A benchmarking study for Lesvos, Rhodes & Crete. Journal of Regional & Socio-Economic Issues (JRSEI), 5(3), p. 91-111.
- Korres G., Pavlogeorgatos G., Kokkinou A., (2015). Spatial planning and regional growth: A Benchmarking study for North- South Aegean & Crete. Journal of Regional & Socio-Economic Issues (JRSEI), 5(2), p. 19-38.
- Balla A., Pavlogeorgatos G., Tsiafakis D., Pavlidis G., (2014). Recent advances in archaeological predictive modelling for archeological research and cultural heritage management. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 14(4), p. 143-153.
- Balla A., Pavlogeorgatos G., Tsiafakis D., Pavlidis G., (2014). Modelling Archaeological and Geospatial Information for Burial Site Prediction, Identification and Management. International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era, 2(4), p. 585-610.
- Balla A., Pavlogeorgatos G., Tsiafakis D., Pavlidis G., (2014). Efficient predictive modelling for archaeological research. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 14(1), p. 119-129.
- Balla A., Pavlogeorgatos G., Tsiafakis D., Pavlidis G., (2013). Locating Macedonian tombs using predictive modelling. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 14(5), p. 403-410.
- Gkinni Z., Pavlogeorgatos G., (2013). Preservation performance assessment in Greek libraries and archives; a practical tool to enable excellence. Qualitative and Quantitative methods in Libraries (QQML), 1, pp. 27-36.
CHMLab contact info
CHMLab, Department of Cultural Technology and Communication, University of the Aegean.
CHMLab address: Gerasimos Pavlogeorgatos, CHMLab, University of the Aegean, University Hill, Geography building, Mytilene, 81100, Greece.
Tel: +30 22510 36613 & 36635.